Just playing with "Stuff"
Silicon mold of Zola, but need more depth for the plaster I wish to cast. |
So more silicon, without the corn flour this time. Never done this before but it works quite nicely. |
A short interlude!
A spot of felt making |
Towels and bubble wrap. |
Water. |
Olive soap. |
OK enough of that, back to Zola
And a bowl with a bead glued to the side. |
Plaster. |
Mess! |
Lovely |
Make more plaster casts, |
This time with P.V.A. |
Some are good, so more must be better. |
Making more paper mache bowls..., can't seem to help it!!! |
Remember the painting of dots I did, that I wanted to turn into fabric?
It has arrived, all the way from America. |
Onto glass....., yummy!
Slumping quite a bit of glass now! |
Stars are made out of the bits I cut of the sheet glass. Need to drill some holes in them, add a ribbon etc. |
A bit more glass, The one with the three blobs on it, those are glass beads I put on to make feet..., they work as feet, but look horrid. |
On the right are a couple of bowl which Rene Laliqued all over the kiln!!! Sorry! |
Zola, plaster and glass. At first the plaster wouldn't come out, which I was fine with as it looked great. |
Emery paper for those sharp bits of glass. |